Epilepsy is a condition that can make a person experience recurrent seizures. Damage or changes in the brain are known to be the cause in a small number of cases. This disease is also often called epilepsy. Visit CBD Oil Canada for more information.

Symptoms of seizures vary, many patients have more than one type of seizure, and can experience symptoms of other neurological problems. In general, the seizures that are felt can last several seconds to several minutes without any obvious triggers. Treatment of epilepsy using CBD Oil.

Symptoms of epilepsy

The main symptom of epilepsy is recurrent seizures. Seizure characteristics as symptoms of epilepsy will vary and depend on the part of the brain that is disrupted for the first time and how far the disorder occurs. Based on brain disorders, this type of seizure in epilepsy is divided into two, namely partial and general seizures.

In partial or focal seizures, the brain is only partially affected. These partial seizures are further divided into two categories, namely: simple partial seizures (without loss of consciousness) and complex partial seizures. Sometimes, focal seizures affect the patient’s consciousness so that the patient looks like he is confused or semi-conscious

Meanwhile, general seizures that become symptoms of epilepsy will make people cry or make a few sounds and have rhythmic movements in the arms and legs. This is usually accompanied by:

Eyes wide open.

Difficulty breathing for a few moments so that the body looks pale or even blue.

Return to consciousness gradually and the patient may be confused for some time.

The body becomes stiff for a few seconds. This can be followed by rhythmic movements in the arms and legs or not at all.

Causes of Epilepsy

The cause of epilepsy is something that still needs an in-depth study. Until now, the specific causes of epilepsy have not been found with certainty. In cases with identified causes of epilepsy, the presence of this disease usually involves the brain affected by several factors, including:

  • Severe head injury
  • Brain infection or disease
  • Lack of oxygen
  • Cerebrovascular disease
  • History of the appearance of the same disease in the family
  • Sickness Diagnosis

Usually, the doctor will ask the patient’s health history (for example, if the patient is suffering from a condition that can cause epilepsy), the lifestyle of the patient (for example, if the patient is addicted to alcoholic beverages or narcotics users), and the medicines the patient is taking.

In addition, doctors also need to know the characteristics of seizures experienced. This needs to be done because a number of other conditions sometimes have symptoms similar to this, such as migraines and panic attacks. In addition to noticing the symptoms of epilepsy that appear, additional tests usually performed for diagnosis are:


Electroencephalogram can confirm the diagnosis and provide further information about seizures. This action uses a special sensor, which is an electrode mounted on the head and connected via a cable to the computer. Electroencephalogram will record the electrical activity of the brain, which is represented in the form of a wave line. Pattern changes during seizures can indicate which parts of the brain are affected so that they can help in treatment.

MRI scan

This type of examination carried out with the help of radio waves and this magnetic field produces detailed images of organs in the body. This aims to determine the presence of brain tumors or disability in the brain structure as a cause of epilepsy.


Mental health problems that arise from epilepsy are serious and need special treatment. Sufferers may commit suicide due to feeling depressed with the condition or due to side effects of anti-inflammatory drugs consumed. In this case, the role of the family and people close to the sufferer is needed to always provide support.

In rare cases, epilepsy can cause complications such as status epilepticus. Status epilepticus is a condition when a person with seizures experiences seizures for more than 5 minutes or a series of short seizures. Usually, people with status epilepticus will be in a state that is not really conscious when a series of short seizures occur. Status epileptic can cause permanent damage to the brain, even death.

The reason why seizures in people with epilepsy need to be handled appropriately is to avoid complications and situations that can endanger the lives of sufferers.

Treatment of Epilepsy

Epilepsy is a disease that can generally be treated with anti-seizure. If the medication doesn’t work, the doctor may adjust the dose or switch to a different drug.

About two-thirds of patients suffering from this disease are free from seizures by taking prescription drugs. Epilepsy is a disease that can be treated with the right action.

When someone has not experienced a seizure for 1-2 years, usually the doctor will reduce the dose gradually until finally stopping taking the drug.

Meanwhile, if the use of some drugs does not have a good effect, the doctor can recommend a special diet. The diet carried out is a high-fat and low-carbohydrate diet. In the end, this will create changes in the brain which can help reduce seizures.

If you see someone who has a seizure, do the following steps:

  • Clean the environment of any hard or sharp object
  • Loosen anything that ties in the neck
  • Place something soft under the head
  • Don’t put something in the mouth

Many people who suffer from epilepsy can live free from seizures when taking drugs according to the schedule given by the doctor. In addition, neurologists can also help reduce the impact of epilepsy.